poppy field


From the 7th to 10th November we are hosting aprox 50 Veterans from England mainly 62Tp Sqn arived in Spandau on Friday 8th November for a get together on arrival from various parts of England and Overseas.

Saturday 9 th they visited various site seeing parts of Berlin to bring the memories back.

On Sunday 10th November Veterans met at Scholz Platz with RBL Berlin Branch and Pipes and Drums from Black Kilts and Berlin Police Band.

They took part in a March down from Scholz Platz to the outside gate of The Common Wealth Graveyard Heerstrasser.

It was agreed by The Canadian Embassy that they are allowed to do this as they are in charge of The ceremony for Remembrance Day this year.

Standard Bearers from The RBL where present and we supplied a member from our Branch to carry The Canadian Flag.

After the Parade at Heerstrasser members took part at the service at St Georges Church with Veterans.

We booked a location for afterwards for a get together to Celebrate 30 years of the wall coming down, 62 Sqn played a very big part in this as they are the unit who dismantled the wall in Spandau Staaken and surrounding areas.

It was agreed that all monies made over the 3 days will be donated to our Poppy Appeal.


Frank Knox chairman RBL Berlin Branch.



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