poppy field

Baldock & District Branch

At the request of those involved, they would rather no names were mentioned in this story.
A short coverage of an event that happened whilst on Poppy Appeal Collection at Baldock Tesco’s.

The Kindness of a Lady

I was standing beside my box of Poppies and Items for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal when a lady sporting a beautiful broach poppy stopped to ask me if I had one of this year’s enamel lapel pin poppies. Unfortunately I was sold out but we went on talking, she was from another local RBL Branch and had previous date lapel badges but of course wanted a 2016.
I commented on her brooch and mentioned that my wife and I had tickets for the Festival of Remembrance at The Royal Albert Hall and I had intended getting her a dress brooch. However the local RBL Branch do not get them and I mentioned to her that I needed to purchase it directly but I thought if I did it would not be delivered in time.
This Lady (who I do not think knows me or my wife, nor do I think I should have known her) unpinned her brooch and gave it to me. She said I should give it to my wife and would not take no for an answer when I protested. I then offered to pay for it which she refused; I also offered to give her a donation to put into the Poppy Appeal which she said it was not necessary as “her husband had given it to her as a present a while back”.
I was almost speechless with emotion and as she started to walk away I stammered some sort of a weak thank you and we would make another donation but unfortunately forgot to ask her name.
If the lady in question is reading this, THANK YOU!
What a wondrous thing to do for a stranger!