poppy field

Ashton under Lyne

County conference 2020

County Conference 2020

Jack White Cup

Following on from Greater Manchester County Conference yesterday, I can only say what an amazing day for the Branch. Congratulations to both Chelsea Egerton - County Standard Bearer and Lewis Castle - County Youth Standard Bearer. Both Chelsea and Lewis were sworn in as the County Standard Bearers by the County Chairman Joe Larrigan. Also the Branch won the Norman Webster Memorial Shield for the highest amount raised for the Poppy Appeal in 2018-19. To make it more poignant this is the first time in the cup's history that the Branch has won it. We also were the winners of the Jack White Cup, which is awarded to the Branch that has shown the most overall progress in respect of the work of the RBL in Greater Manchester. A huge thanks to all the Branch members and volunteers who has helped the branch have a clean sweep at the conference. 2020 will be huge for the Branch to try and improve on what we have done, we can only get better.

Norman Webster Memorial Shield

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