The Poppy Appeal in Ashburton
The Poppy Appeal total for this year, and we are only a couple of months in, is already over £7,300. So well done everybody, and a big Thank You to all the people of Ashburton who have been so generous again.
The Poppy Appeal Coffee morning held on Saturday, 26 October was a huge success and raised £345.20. Many thanks to all the workers, those that donated prizes and cakes and those that bought raffle tickets.
The Poppy Ball was a great success raising well over £1,000 for the Poppy Appeal.
There will be a Poppy Appeal coffee morning in Ashburton Town Hall from 10am to 11.30am on Saturday, 17 May
Poppy People
Anyone interested in helping in the next Poppy Appeal should contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinator, Karen Turner on 01364 388294.