poppy field


Members of the Royal British Legion, Ashburton branch, attended the funeral service of Preston Teague on 18 January. Preston was a supporter of the Poppy Appeal, collecting in all weathers in the Bull Ring. Kath Pugh attended as Standard Bearer and accompanied the coffin into St Andrew's Church. There was a large turnout of Preston's family, friends and members of the community. His granddaughter Leah read a poem at the service and a collection was taken for the Royal British Legion. The family will, hopefully, be attending the Beginning of Season get-together at the Legion hut on 30 April to plant a rose bush with a plaque in his memory and present the branch with the collection from Preston’s funeral.


At the last branch meeting four new committee members joined. Dawn Major and Janet Everson will be working on getting younger people involved by holding events for them. Gemma Laity also joined and will be a great asset in fundraising. Also, Martyn Brooks joined, he has been our Parade Marshall for many years. Martyn has replaced Norma Frediani as Vice Chairman. Many thanks to Norma for all her support, she is thankfully continuing as a committee member as she is a great asset to both the branch and the Poppy Appeal.


Charlie Dennis has resigned and Karen Turner is the current caretaker Poppy Appeal Organiser.


On 22 April from 10am there is a coffee morning in the town hall with all the usual stalls. There is also the Beginning of Season Get-Together at the Legion hut on 30 April form 2pm. Licensed bar and small free buffet provided. All welcome.


To join the branch please contact Ann Bovey on 01364 654772 or via the RBL website http://www.britishlegion.org.uk/membership/