poppy field


In Memory

The Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance.

Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November, is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today.

View our News & Events calendar for details of local Remembrance events.

The following is a list of those members who have sadly crossed the Bar.

BRIAN SENIOR                                         MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY
ELIZABETH BURROWS                              BRANCH MEMBER
ALLAN PATEMAN                                       BRANCH MEMBER
MAUREEN AIREY                                       BRANCH MEMBER
JOHN BREEZE                                           BRANCH MEMBER
BILL COSTELLO                                         BRANCH COMMITTEE MEMBER, (Previous Social Sec).

MARY COSTELLO                                       BRANCH MEMBER
DEREK ARROWSMITH                                BRANCH MEMBER
ALAN FENWICK                                         BRANCH MEMBER
RAYMOND HANSON                                   BRANCH MEMBER
KEN WALKER                                            VICE CHAIRMAN/COMMITTEE
KEN BROUGHTON                                      BRANCH MEMBER
Ray Gorman                                              Branch Treasure
Terry Scott                                                Branch Member
Len Johnson                                              Branch Vice Chairman/Treasurer