poppy field

South & West Yorkshire


One question seems to be asked more frequently than others, and that is “Who are and what does the Membership Council do?”

The Membership Council has twelve members, representing the following regions:

  1. South West.
  2. South East.
  3. London Metropolitan.
  4. East.
  5. East Midlands.
  6. West Midlands.
  7. Wales.
  8. Northern & Southern Ireland.
  9. North.
  10. Yorkshire.
  11. Overseas.
  12. National Branches.

The Membership Council at present meets every six weeks with the purpose of providing the Board of Trustees a dedicated focus on The Royal British Legion Membership Organisation and the support they give to the Legions Charitable work.  

This in practice means that they;

  1. Develop a strategic framework for the Legion Membership organisation.
  2. Take responsibility for the General Fund Budget and make recommendations on income and expenditure.
  3. To make recommendations for the improvement of the Membership administration.
  4. To take responsibility for the management of Counties and Districts, who in turn are responsible for the management and administration of branches.
  5. To monitor all Membership services to ensure they meet the expectations and needs of members.
  6. To provide policy input on Membership matters and reports as required by Board of Trustees or individual Directors.
  7. To approve the formation, amalgamation and closures of Counties, District Branches and County Supported Branches (CSB's)
  8. To approve the issue and withdrawal of Legion Club Licences.
  9. To make recommendations for Membership IT support.
  10. To approve County and District Bye-Laws and branch model Bye–Laws.
  11. Membership Complaints procedures.
  12. Membership Training Policy.
  13. Legion Youth Policy.
  14. Legion Sports Policy.
  15. Legion Ceremonial Policy.
  16. Legion Cups and Shields awards.
  17. Supporting the National Conference Committee.
  18. Responsibility to advise the Board of Trustees on the management and control of County/District and branch assets (excluding Branch Property Trusts).


The below responsibilities are managed through Sub Committees.

  1. Legion Complaints Committee.
  2. Training Advisory Group.
  3. Cups and Shields Group.
  4. Ceremonial Working Group.
  5. County and District Budget Group.
  6. Public Policy Panel.
  7. Branch and County Website Working Group.



Mr Gordon Barker - GBarker1@britishlegion.org.uk