Armed Forces Day was once again celebrated in the town.
The parade marched up Market Hill at 10.30am led by 2 pipers.
Parade Marshall Dave Beck marched the parade which included Branch Members, Veterans, the Air Force & Army Cadet Forces.
The occasion was well supported by a crowd of well wishers who stood along Market Hill as we marched past.
Halting at the town hall, the Mayor gave a rousing speech on the importance of the day:
Armed Forces Day is a chance to show your support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving troops to Service families, veterans and cadets.
Prayers were then offered before the parade fell out and retired to the town hall for refreshments.

Many thanks to Colin Smith on organising the whole day which ran seemlessly.
Click here for the Suffolk Free Press write up of the day
Scribe: Dean Scott
Photos: Chris Fisher
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